Sleep Deprivation May Be Akin to Being Drunk

Posted March 18th, 2019 in Mattress Brands, Top Mattress Brands and tagged , , by coreyconsulting

One of the most difficult parts of parenthood is the beginning when babies fail to sleep through the night and it can take hours to get them to fall back asleep. The sleep deprivation caused can go as far as causing hallucinations. In fact, a 2018 study suggests that 24 to 48 hours of sleep loss will cause the brain to become essentially “drunk”.

Sleep deprivation is expected when parents have a newborn as they grapple with learning how to take care of the child and his or her unique needs. However, when there is the window of opportunity to get some sleep, it’s imperative to concentrate solely on getting some sleep, especially if the sleep deprivation is severe enough that it’s resulting in hallucinations.

Could your mattress also be contributing toward poor sleep? Maybe you can’t seem to find the right comfortable position or the mattress is leaving you feeling achy. We encourage you to take some time out of your schedule to visit us at Brickell Mattress and we’ll find you mattress by names like Hastens and Vispring that will help you stay asleep so you can take advantage of those few hours of sleep as you focus on parenthood.

To read more about the sleep deprivation study, visit https://www.romper.com/p/sleep-deprivation-causes-alarming-hallucinations-in-new-parents-16964025.

This update is by Brickell Mattress. We sell luxury beds and the world’s top mattress brands: VISPRING Luxury Beds and mattresses, Hästens Since 1852 and CARPE DIEM BEDS OF SWEDEN. We offer a sterling selection of mattresses including organic & natural latex, as well as handcrafted beds and innerspring mattresses. We also have a broad selection of bedroom furniture and accessories. With more than eight years of working in the bedding industry, we pride ourselves on being your premium quality sleep center in Miami-Dade County. Visit us online at http://www.brickellmattress.com, at our store located at 1030 SW 8th Street in Miami or give us a call at 305-326-4000 for more information on Hastens mattresses or other brands.

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