Upgrade Your Sleep Experience: 5 Signs That You Need a New Luxury Mattress

Posted February 27th, 2023 in Hastens, luxury mattress, Mattress Brands and tagged , , by coreyconsulting

We spend a third of our lives sleeping, so it’s vital to make sure we’re getting the best sleep possible. Most experts recommend replacing your mattress every eight years, but if you’re unsure whether it’s time for an upgrade, here are five signs that it may be time for a new luxury mattress


You’re in Pain

Are you waking up feeling stiff and sore? If you’re experiencing pain in your shoulders, hips, or back, it could be due to an old, worn out mattress. A new luxury mattress can provide the perfect balance of support and cushioning, making it much easier to wake up feeling refreshed and energized.


You’re Not Sleeping Well

If you’re tossing and turning all night, that could be a sign that your mattress is no longer providing the comfort and support it once did. A new luxury mattress can help you sleep more soundly, as it’s designed to provide the optimal balance of comfort and support.


Your Mattress is Over 8 Years Old

As mentioned above, experts recommend replacing your mattress every eight years. If your mattress is past its prime, it’s time to invest in a new luxurious mattress with the latest technology in comfort and support.


You’re Allergic to Your Mattress 

If you’re noticing more frequent allergy symptoms while in bed, it could be due to dust mites and other allergens that have accumulated in your mattress over time. A new luxury mattress is designed to be hypoallergenic and can help reduce your allergy symptoms.


You’re Not Getting Quality Sleep 

If you’re still feeling tired after a full night of sleep, it could be due to a mattress that has lost its ability to provide the comfort and support you need to get a good night’s rest. A new luxury mattress can help you get the quality sleep you need to feel your best.


If you’re experiencing any of the signs above, it may be time to invest in a new luxury mattress. A quality mattress can help you get the restful sleep you need to feel your best, so don’t wait any longer – upgrade your sleep experience today!


If you’re thinking about investing in a new mattress, visit Brickell Mattress online to view our full mattress collection of top mattress brands, such as Hastens mattresses which are designed specifically to help you fall asleep and stay asleep all night.


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