How Much Sleep Do You Really Need?

Posted June 22nd, 2021 in Brickell Mattress, Top Mattress Brands, Vi-Spring, Vi-Spring Elite and tagged by coreyconsulting

Sleep is essential for health, no matter your age. It boosts your mind, repairs the body to function properly, helps fight diseases, and relaxes your muscles for optimal function. However, if you have ever gone a night with minimal sleep, you know how a lack of sleep can feel like a sudden illness with the inability to focus and function normally.


While everyone needs plenty of sleep, your age will determine how much. Knowing the right amount of sleep for your age is the first step, along with evaluating your mattress condition (we recommended ViSpring Elite Mattresses), which will help you determine your sleep health. Other factors such as activity levels and overall health will also have an impact.


Children will need far more sleep than adults. For example, newborns need 14-17 hours, infants 12-15 hours, toddlers 11-14 hours, and preschoolers 10-13 hours. School-aged children (6-13 years old) need 9-11 hours of sleep, while teenagers need 8-10 hours each night. Adults (ages 18 and older) need a minimum of seven hours.


Make sleep a priority in your schedule. Budget the hours you need between social activities, work, and other responsibilities to not cut yourself short. Improving sleep hygiene – which includes not only the amount of sleep you get each night but sleeping conditions and other sleep habits – will set you up for success.


Investing in a good mattress can also help you sleep well, as they are the core support of your body and source of comfort throughout the night. A British fleece wool mattress and other luxury mattresses can help you achieve quality sleep.

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