Not Feeling Very Charitable? You May Be Sleep Deprived

Posted March 13th, 2019 in Hastens, Mattress Brands, Top Mattress Brands and tagged , by coreyconsulting

Being sleep deprived can lead to a number of negative outcomes, grouchiness being one of them. You’ve probably dealt with someone who was in a foul mood due to not getting enough sleep, but can sleep deprivation also affect your day to day life as a citizen? A recent study in Nature Human Behavior seems to think so.

The study suggests that sleeping less may reduce our tendencies to be prosocial. This means a person becomes less inclined to donate to charitable causes, sign petitions for things they believe in, or even vote. The in-depth study uses time zones and a bunch of other research to determine how sleep deprivation may affect such a thing as the inclination to go out and perform one’s civic duty.

The article also briefly mentions some previous work regarding how tired people are not as likely to make the healthiest of choices when it comes to their lifestyle.

One of the primary causes of sleep deprivation aside from going to bed late is sleeping in a mattress that may not be comfortable, resulting in lots of tossing and turning. If you think your mattress is what’s causing you to feel grouchy, sleep deprived, or in this case, less inclined to be charitable, visit us at Brickell Mattress to try some of the world’s most comfortable beds by Vispring and Hastens.

To read more about the study, please visit https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/3/13/18261878/study-losing-sleep-might-make-worse-citizens.

This update is by Brickell Mattress. We sell luxury beds and the world’s top mattress brands: VISPRING Luxury Beds and mattresses, Hästens Since 1852 and CARPE DIEM BEDS OF SWEDEN. We offer a sterling selection of mattresses including organic & natural latex, as well as handcrafted beds and innerspring mattresses. We also have a broad selection of bedroom furniture and accessories. With more than eight years of working in the bedding industry, we pride ourselves on being your premium quality sleep center in Miami-Dade County. Visit us online athttp://www.brickellmattress.com, at our store located at 1030 SW 8th Street in Miami or give us a call at 305-326-4000 for more information on our mattress collection.

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