Physical Activity May Help With Poor Sleep

Posted August 17th, 2021 in Brickell Mattress, Top Mattress Brands, Uncategorized, ViSpring mattresses and tagged by coreyconsulting

Many factors could cause you to have a poor night of rest, and a lack of physical activity may be one of them. A study done by WebMD showed that in a group of middle-aged adults in the United States (the study investigated nearly 400,000) done over eleven years showed that those with poor sleep and low levels of physical activity had a 57% greater risk for all-cause mortality, a 67% greater chance for cardiovascular disease, a 45% increase in the chance for death from cancer, and a 91% greater risk for death from lung cancer when compared to those who had a good sleep and physical activity.


That is not to say that every person with poor sleeping habits will experience these same results, but it does show that sleep is one of the most crucial forms of care we can give to our bodies. That, coupled with the recommended amount of exercise/physical activity, allows our bodies to be healthy and fight off illness. Physical activity and sleep quality independently impact an individual’s health outcomes, but they influence health conditions in a related manner.


Physical activity keeps our bodies in prime shape, allowing the organs and systems in them to work as best as they can. This helps fight off infection, illness, and chronic diseases down the road. Quality sleep ensures that your body is resting up as it should, so it has the energy to get physical activity and keep itself working all day and night correctly.


It’s easy to incorporate physical activity into your daily life – start by going on a brisk walk every day, then take it up a notch by adding in your favorite activity a few times a week, like cycling or jogging. To get better sleep, make sure your sleep environment provides you the opportunity for a good rest. That includes what kind of mattress you have. A horsehair mattress such as Hästens or Vispring mattress can help you achieve your sleep goals and leave you feeling more rested in the morning.

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