Reasons Why Sleep Supplements May Not be Working

More than a third of American adults are not getting the sleep they need. As people continue to get insufficient sleep, sleep supplement purchases are on the rise. Maybe you have heard of ones like melatonin, or perhaps even taken one yourself. Sometimes sleep supplements are not cutting it. Here is why.


Supplements can assist in helping you get a better night’s sleep, but if you expect it to treat a significant sleep disorder or even a mild case of insomnia, chances are it will not help the way you think it should. Do not assume a sleep supplement does not work right away. You may be dealing with something a little more serious. If you notice you have had poor sleep habits for a long time, you may want to go see your doctor and talk about a treatment plan that is right for you.


Taking a sleep supplement without having a proper routine will likely render it unhelpful. A supplement is a tool that helps you fall asleep, much like top mattress brands and a luxury mattress collection. You cannot rely on any one of these things to help you fall asleep. You need a bedtime routine to allow your mind and body to wind down and get ready to sleep.


You also want to make sure that you get rid of anything that is causing you to have a poor sleep throughout the night. Maybe it is a consistent loud noise, too much caffeine in the afternoon, or alcohol before bed. Those things can make you exhausted from no sleep, even if you take a supplement. Often, those supplements help us fall asleep, not stay asleep. You want to make sure you practice good sleep hygiene and sleep routines that help with back support throughout the night.


Always get input from your doctor before starting a new supplement regime.

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