The Health Benefits of Napping

Posted September 28th, 2021 in Hastens, Hästens mattress, Hästens mattresses and tagged by coreyconsulting

Is there anyone who does not enjoy a good nap? Now you have a good excuse to spend your Sunday afternoons dozing off instead of doing much-need housework – it can provide you with several health benefits. Daytime naps may help those with sleep disorders but can still make a difference for those without.

A short nap can help with sleepiness in the day and help you be more productive by providing you a much-needed boost of energy. Naps speed up alertness, increase reaction time, and help your cognitive functions perform to the best of their ability. Along with it – an increased memory. Multiple studies have found that nappers outperform those who do not nap in remembering new information. Naps can also boost your mood, which is perfect for a midday break from work.

If you can, try taking a daytime nap break from work (best done on one of the Hastens mattresses!)

Naps do not need to be long either – short naps on a horsetail hair mattress are actually better to reap in the health benefits of a good nap. Try a 15 to 30-minute nap. They will leave you feeling refreshed but will keep you from transitioning into a deeper sleep and waking up feeling more exhausted. In fact, long naps can cause issues – sleep inertia and insomnia.

Sleep inertia will have you feeling very groggy and most likely worse off than before your nap. With insomnia, too much daytime sleep can make it more difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep at night, ultimately disrupting your entire sleep cycle.

Next time you have the urge to doze off, maybe try a quick nap for the kick of energy you need.

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